Friday, October 15, 2010

so we're Henrys...

Welcome to the Blog of The Henrys (or the Henries)! :)  As you know from the end of the old blog, we are now Korey and Crystal Henry.  The name change process has got to be one of the most tedious tasks known to any bride, however, I'm doing it for the 2nd time in less than 15 months. So far I have a new license, changed it with my insurance provider, our savings account bank, the University of Oklahoma, OG&E, ONG, and Korey's insurance provider. Sounds like we have a lot covered so far, but the list continues. Next will be sending proof off to Missouri to get Korey's birth certificate changed. He needs to go get his new license. Then we need new passports, social security cards, car titles, bank cards, and car insurance. There are still a few more that we need to do as well. But all in all... it's not bothering me much because I know that it's for a good reason.

On another note, Korey and I have prayed and prayed about going to China this summer. We have such a time of transition this summer with me finishing school and Korey quitting AT&T in May, so we have felt God showing us how perfect it is for us to go to China this summer to serve Him. So we have decided, we are going to China. Exact dates and length have yet to be determined, but that is our summer mission. Please be praying for us as we continue to seek God's guidance in this trip.

Our church, University Fellowship Church, is moving buildings in a few weeks. It's kind of exciting that we'll be in an actual church building for the first time since we've been a church, but kind of sad that we'll be losing our modern collegey feel.

I've got a Zumbathon tomorrow in the city with a friend and we're pretty excited for a few hours of Zumbaing!! Then on Monday I am heading to Tulsa to see my sister Jade!!! :)  I haven't seen her since sometime this summer and I miss her dearly. She's been living in Cali, but is home for a bit and I'm so glad I get to see her! Korey has midterms at Seminary on Monday so be praying that God can grant him the peace to convey what he knows on those tests. Sometimes tests just make you forget things you really do know!

Glorifying Christ as Henrys!...

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, several things:
    1. Hooray about quitting AT&T!
    2. CHINA?! Do you know what province/city? Haha wow... excited for you, its quite a trip.
    3. Again, awesome about the name!
